Tuesday, December 19, 2017

How to Choose the Most Suitable Version of Windows 10 for Yourself

Facing so many Windows 10 Versions, how can we choose the most suitable one for us? click www.mskeystore.com to get more.

First of all, we need to understand that the Windows 10 core features are the same whether it is Home, Professional, Education or Enterprise Edition. Such as automatic upgrade, Cortana voice assistant, virtual desktop, Edge browser and so on. The Professional Edition will be added to the domain, group policy management, BitLocker, enterprise mode IE browser (EMIE), Assigned Access 8.1 etc. The Enterprise Edition are more powerful, and do we need these features? Here I will elaborate on the differences between the various versions of Win 10 to help you to choose the appropriate version.

Windows 10 Home Edition: Best Choice for General Users

Win 10 Home Edition is the main version for general user, vast majority of PC will be pre-installed Win10 Home Edition. This version has all Windows 10 core features, such as Edge browser, Cortana voice assistant, virtual desktop, Microsoft Windows Hello, iris, fingerprint login, Xbox One streaming media games. It support PC, tablet, laptop, combo computers.
But, in order to improve system security, The Home Edition can not make own judgment about the patch from Windows Update. It can only receive all the patches and the system will automatically install any security patches without asking users.
The Home Edition also includes a feature called "Continuum" designed for tablet which offers users a simplified task bar and start menu, and the app will also run in full screen mode. In addition, there is a back button on the taskbar, the entire interface is optimized for touch operations. And the start menu will also enter in full screen mode. This feature provides a perfect transition experience between desktop and tablet devices.
Microsoft Windows Hello is an intelligent feature which enable Windows 10 users log in their own devices by face recognition.However, this feature is only support new devices which configured with depth-sensing cameras or users who buy the Intel RealSense Developer's Kit currently.

Windows 10 Professional EditionFavorite Version of PC Enthusiasts

Win 10 Professional is mainly used by PC technology enthusiasts and corporate technical staff. It possesses all windows 10 home features, including the application store, Edge browser, Contana assistant, Windows Hello, etc. It added some security and office functions, for example, allowing users to manage devices and applications, protecting sensitive corporate data, supporting remote and mobile productivity scenarios, providing cloud technology support. Win 10 Pro also has a serial built-in enhanced technologies, including Group Policy, Bitlocker Drive Encryption, Remote Access Service, and Domain Name Connection.
Bitlocker is an encryption software which embed in Windows system from Vista era to Windows 10. BitLocker uses TPM to protect Windows operating system and users' data, ensure that computers are not tampered when they are unattended, lost or stolen.
BitLocker can also be used without TPM. To use BitLocker without TPM, you must change the default behavior of BitLocker Installation Wizard by using Group Policy or configure BitLocker by using script. When using BitLocker without TPM, the required encryption key is stored on the USB flash drive. You need this USB drive to unlock the data which stored on the volume. .
Group Policy is the main editing tool used by administrators to define and control the sequence, network resources, and operating system behavior for PC and users. By using Group Policy you can set various software, computer and user policies. For example, setting the shutdown time, adjusting the network speed limitation, preventing access to command prompt.

Windows 10 Enterprise Edition: Own the Most Comprehensive Feature

Compared with Home Version, Windows 10 Enterprise Edition provides powerful features designed for enterprise users, such as Direct Access without VPN connection, AppLocker support whitelisted applications, BranchCache which shares downloads and updates with other PCs, and a start screen based on Group Policy control.
Granular UX Control make IT administrator to customize and lock down users' experience of specific Windows devices through device management policies to perform specific tasks in a better way. Credential Guard and Device Guardare used to protect Windows logon credentials and restrict the applications that allows a particular PC which can run on.
Windows 10 Enterprise Edition also owns the feature "Windows Update for Business", and add a new service "Long Term Servicing Branches", this allows enterprise to refuse feature upgrades except security-related upgrades.This feature is especially benefit to PCs which need stability for long time working and do not want to be affected by the new added features.

Windows 10 Education Edition: The Most Powerful One

Before Windows 10, Microsoft had never released Education Edition. This version is designed for large academic institutions with the security, management and connectivity features in Enterprise edition. Excepting update options, there is no difference between Win 10 Education and Win 10 Enterprise features.

For general consumer, the most available version is Win 10 Home Edition and Win 10 Professional Edition. You can choose Home Version for playing game, video and entertainment; technology enthusiasts and corporate technical staff can choose  Professional Version.

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